Thursday, November 1, 2012

Abounding Grace

                  Romans 5:20 - But where sin abounds, grace abounds much more

Have you ever made a mistake over and over again? Then, giving your speech saying, “God I will never do it again! I promise!” If you’re anything like me you have been in this position dozens of times - Offering a pitiful apology to God, that realistically brings no evidence of pure change.

We have this image of God that every time we sin, God is utterly surprised and holds this disapproving look that your mom has after you break her favorite dish. Satan has done everything in his power to taint Gods image, but the real truth is that every time you sin God smiles as big as He possibly can. Not because He approves sin, but the opposite, He looks at you as if you have never sinned and have taken the very image of Jesus in all His glory. Many people have a problem releasing the true message of grace because they think all the Christian people will sin even more, the thing is if you are truly saved that wouldn’t even be a problem because we still are to live as if sin never existed.

So the next time you sin, don’t focus on how bad you are, instead receive the love that God has for you that abounds much more then the sin you have committed. Take the time to figure out what God really thinks about you, guaranteed you won’t be disappointed. Finally, just as God has shown you abounding grace, think about all the people that you know that you could show grace to. If God has forgiven us and shown grace despite how bad we sinned, we also should also show that same forgiveness and grace to the people who have wronged us. Remember forgiveness and grace frees you, not the recipient. 

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