God's word says:"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18
Let me ask you a question where you want to be 2 years from today? What Kind of relationship you want to have with your savior? Do you have a vision to be more for God and His kingdom, or are you satisfied with your relationship with Him right now and don't want to seek anything else? Or you do have a vision for your life and the type of relationship you want to cultivate with Him?
God is a marvelous God and His mercies renew every morning, as a matter of fact God has something new for you every day. He wants your relationship with Him to grow and mature. He expect you to seek Him with all your heart, with all your soul and understanding. He is expecting your to set goals for your life, It is good to set goal and have expectations of what God will do, it is called HOPE! Now faith will bring it to pass...
If you don't have a vision, you will lose your focus and eventually the Hope that something good will happen. You will live life just letting time pass you by. Without a vision (goal) we will perish and not accomplish anything in God. So Today let us aim for a vision to believe in, a goal to run after and a dream that will hold us grounded and focused in Him. A God's purpose driven dream to win the nations for Christ!
I do have a vision!!! see the body of Christ strong...