Facebook. It seems that nowadays everyone has a Facebook page. We spend a big chunk of time going through Facebook, checking notifications, viewing recent pictures, liking interesting posts, catching up with old friends and family, and simply chatting with a friend.
But how much Facebook is too much Facebook? The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:23 (AMP) that “all things are legitimate [permissible--and we are free to do anything we please], but not all things are helpful…constructive [to character] or edifying [to spiritual life].” In other words, through the grace of God, we have the free will to do anything we choose, but the choices we make should be governed by a right standard. When on Facebook, there are things we need to be aware of.
First, Facebook is a time waster. Checking one harmless picture can lead to another picture which leads to a Facebook page which leads to countless hours on Facebook. The Bible in Psalms 90:10 that time “[passes] quickly, and then we are gone.” Time cannot be accumulated or replaced; it is always passing, whether we make the most of it or not. We need to manage time and limit ourselves when on Facebook so that we aren’t couch potatoes on the internet.
Second, Facebook connections can prove to be hurtful. Although Facebook is a great way to stay connected to family and both old and new friends, it also allows us to be connected with some unfriendly “friends.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NCV) warns us to “not be fooled: ‘Bad friends will ruin good habits.’” Not everyone on Facebook has pure motives; some just gossip and spread rumors, and many post compromising things on their pages. We need to be careful who we accept as a “friend” because that person could be anything but a friend.
Finally, Facebook is one of the main invaders of our privacy. It is up to us to check our privacy settings to manage who we want viewing our information, but, more importantly, it is up to us to decide what we should share on Facebook. Not everyone needs to know that we “checked in” at “home,” how bad we think parents, bosses, or teachers are, or about that embarrassing moment at the party or in the bathroom.
So, what secrets are you letting out through Facebook? Don’t broadcast every moment of your life – it’s your life. God has called us to live in a way that pleases him: “…live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10).
Based on Pr. Viviane’s Friday night message “Don’t Let The Secret Out.”
For me time waster is a big one. God has placed us here for his calling and his purpose and we need to make the most of it. And while facebook can be used greatly to evangelize it can also serve as a big distraction. Thank you Pastor for yet another great message